Preschool storytime videos at Good Morning Mr. Channing — Youtube channel for preschool storytime videos, picture book read-alouds and songs, started in my living room while my storytime kids and I were all on quarantine. Specific playlists for books by authors of color, books with Black main characters, and books that address more serious issues.
As of this writing, I’ve posted 52 storytime videos! That’s a whole year’s worth of weekly storytimes! So I’m calling this finished, and I’m moving on to some new projects for kids.
Good Morning Mr. Channing on Instagram — same as the above, but I know more people check Instagram daily.

I wrote and drew a coloring book! Yonth & Ed in: Grocery Switch is free to download and print, and is inspired by a talk that my friend Gary gave about community organizing being about ‘getting neighbors to come together, which sounds easy until you think about how you really feel about your neighbors.’ If you’d like to toss me a couple bucks for it, you can do it through the book’s page. More importantly, if you do some coloring you think I should see, please send me a photo!
Video: Q&A with me on ALL IN TV, about racial equity and access in both zine fests and in literacy outreach programs for kids. Broadcast on SF Commons TV as part of San Francisco Zine Fest. More info here.
Video: Q&A with me on Colored Criticism, about preschool storytime, racial justice, and rethinking how we teach kids about how to value their own stories.
The first-ever Mr. Channing’s Storytime Fund Drive was a huge success— we raised $3250.50 (a bit more than my goal of $1000, lol) and were able to feed 300 of our neighbors at St. James Infirmary and East Oakland Collective, with enough left over to tip for the staff at Café Gabriela!
Thanks to everyone who pitched in on my birthday to raise $300 for the Fill Hotels Not Graves fundraiser, benefiting our unhoused neighbors here in Oakland. There is still time to donate!
Free printable “We All Matter” coloring pages from a forthcoming project with Oakland-based illustrator Nicky Rodriguez.
I made a free printable one-page zine with some of my favorite preschool storytime books by authors of color (plus a few of my thoughts about what makes a good storytime book).
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